Media about Us

See what they say and write about us

Noticed and appreciated
over 30 years

As a company active locally and the employer
with a well established reputation, we are present
in both local and industry media.
We are proud that our hard work reached their attention.

Gazeta Przemysłu Drzewnego

Nr 1 (168) styczeń 2011

Głos Wielkopolski

Nr 42 (20677) 20 luty 2012

Obornicka Gazeta Powiatowa

Nr 33/80 18 wrzesień 2012

Gazeta Przemyłu Drzewnego

Nr 9 (236) wrzesień 2016


Brzechwa Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.
ul. Polna 2, 64-600 Oborniki


+48 61 64 64 600

Wooden houses are an ideal proposition for people who value economical solutions and an ecological, natural lifestyle. Low operating costs and beautiful architecture are just a few advantages of wooden construction.

Energy-efficient houses
Houses made of half-timbered technology
Block technology house
House in Steico technology
Factory production
Assembly on site

Roof trusses
Gazebos, shelters, garages
Unusual projects
Reconstruction of monuments
General construction

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