Single-family house COMFORT 6

Detailed information

Despite the relatively small size,
the comfortable room layout – a living room,
two bedrooms, bathroom and a kitchen
– provides comfort and space to all household members
Usable area: 70 m2
Building area: 98 m2
Number of storeys: 1
The angle of the roof inclination: 35º
Ridge height: 6.30 m
Type of attic: non-residential

Detailed information

Despite the relatively small size,
the comfortable room layout – a living room,
two bedrooms, bathroom and a kitchen
– provides comfort and space to all household members
Usable area: 70 m2
Building area: 98 m2
Number of storeys: 1
The angle of the roof inclination: 35º
Ridge height: 6.30 m
Type of attic: non-residential

Your home in 3 variants



to be finished and lived in

We give you the keys, and everything you usually get from the developer. You put finishing touches, arrange it, and you’re ready to move in! Perfect for those who expect quality and want to move in quickly.



the hardest part is ready

We will put up a complete structure from the floor to the roof, and you will choose windows, doors or take care of the utilities yourself. Perfect for those who can do a lot, but don’t have time for everything.



parts that you can put together to perfection

We will provide you with all the elements of the structure, frame and roof that you need to put your home wherever you want. Perfect for those who have the time, knowledge and building skills.

Not sure which option would be best?
Each option has many advantages; contact us
and we will advise you on the optimal choice.


Brzechwa Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.
ul. Polna 2, 64-600 Oborniki


+48 61 64 64 600


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